Sunday, January 12, 2014

A work in progress......

I have spent the last week thinking long and hard about me and where I want to be. I am doing some real soul searching and trying to understand me and what my happy place is. I want to be happy and make others happy. There are three things that rush into my head when I ask myself "What would you like to do in your life that would make you joyful and eager to start each day?" Three things came to mind.

In no particular order:
  • Create! Anything from quilting to making candles to creating art out of everyday things.
  • Working with animals. Get involved with a rescue organization helping to raise money and find incredibly loving dogs in deserving homes.
  • Marrying couples. I have had the honor of being a licensed wedding officiant and what an honor it is to be a part of someone's wedding in such a intimate way. Seriously! To be a part of their vows and to able to legally bind to people in love. Heavy stuff!
I understand that I will have to put myself out there to create my own business and I am scared to death but I am even more terrified of doing nothing. If I don't make some changes in my life no one else will. So wish me luck as I continue to be a work in progress and figure out my next step!

Fingers crossed for me!


Sunday, January 5, 2014

So here I am, reaching middle age and I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. First let me start off by saying that my life is blessed. I have a loving husband and three incredible kids... if I do say so myself! Sure my life has taken some unexpected twists and turns but not a whole lot that I can kick and scream about. I have worked in a variety of fields. Everything from a CNA at a nursing home, a very short stint running an in-home daycare (found out that I don't have as much patience with other people's kids...just being honest!) I have been a bartender, waitress, worked with mentally challenged adults, customer service, wedding planner, a casino host, convention and casino sales manager and now a hotel room and convention space sales manager. I have a very go go go career and as I age my priorities have changed. I have made mistakes and at times put my job in front of my family and I regret that. I have lost time with my kiddos that I can never get back. Now that I am older and hopefully wiser I long for a more serene, laid back lifestyle. All of my working years I have found jobs that have served a purpose of making money to support my family like most Moms out there. I have enjoyed some jobs more than others but none have made me feel like what I do really matters. I long for a career that I have more say in my day to day life and something that I can't wait to get up in the morning and do. I am a very creative person that enjoys to busy myself with projects. I love to make something with my own two hands and either sell or give those things to others and they light up and are amazed at my creations. I would love to be my own boss but I lack the confidence that I can make a living at it. As much as I wish that I could throw caution into the wind and jump in with both feet into a creative frenzy I need a steady income. The mortgage company really gets pissy if you don't make your house payment on time. Geesh! They are touchy about that! Also eating on a regular basis is pretty cool and I'm not really in the mood to give that up. Call me crazy! I continue to work on myself and where I want to go in life and do millions of others. I will find my way eventually and hope you are along for the ride!

To follow dreams and figuring it all out along the way!
